"OLD" daily journal is out!

January 12, 2016 - STCW Office of MarInA release the STCW circular No. 2016 - 01 which amends the STCW circular 2014 - 02 on Daily Journal of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties (DJBWD) and Daily Journal of Engine Watchkeeping Duties (DJEWD). It also stated on the said circular that " DJBWD and DJEWD is not required for the purpose of licensure examination and issuance of certificate of competency (COC) for Officer-in-charge of Navigational Watch (OIC-NW) and Officer-in-charge of Engine Watch (OIC-EW)". The STCW office also release the new format for daily journal for both Engine and Bridge
Daily journal is still one of the requirements of Maritime Higher Education Institutions prior to receiving their diploma in Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMar-E). This requirements is in compliance with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Cadets prior to their apprenticeship should secure their copy of daily journal to their respective Shipboard office
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